Monday, September 28, 2009

A vision of Students Today

Holy blog land Batman!

Wow! That is the only way I can describe this video. I identified with everything in this video. The Kansas State folks have shown a few things that I think we will cover in our podcast later this month.They basically showed everything that is good and bad about technology. In this day and age we worship technology. We act as if we are so advanced and yet we continue a decline in western civilization that no one has seemed to notice until now.

We act as if all these gadgets are going to make us the people that we saw in blade runner and the fifth element. We are supposed to be forming into these technological gurus who know everything about computing devices and guess what, we've succeeded! We are now the most self centered, tech junkie, must-have-the-newest-gadget,multi tasking, shallow shells of what human beings used to be! Aristotle, Jesus, and Edison are probably laughing (or crying) in heaven right now about this. We have lost our quest for knowledge because its just to easy to Google it!

What I'm saying is I look at technology the way I look at smoking weed or drinking (follow me on this). Do the drug, don't let it do you. Technology is doing us now. Rather than using this tool for helping us do our work and make our lives easier and more efficient, we let this lighted box dictate what is important to us. When television was invented a smart man said it would turn people into mindless drones (I'm paraphrasing)and I would say to some extent he was right. Now that the computer has taken the place of the TV, I would have to say it has taken the torch of life sucking and ran with it quite nicely. However, it isn't technology's fault.

We allow the world to dictate what is right or wrong, good or bad, new or outdated. We love to assume that if its new and a lot of people are doing it then it must be better. Remember the old "if your friends jump off a bridge" analogy ? I think we have all been guilty of jumping off the proverbial cliff of technology rather than scaled our way down at our own discretion. Lets teach our students how to navigate the sea of information at their own discretion, and lets form that discretion on whether or not the "new and improved" version is really that improved. In other words, teach the students how to teach themselves. Lets teach students how to THINK for themselves. That is the main problem behind it all, people don't think. The mind is a terrible thing, at times, and its also a terrible thing to waste.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Dr Strange EDM Video Podcast

Hello Blogger peeps

So today I watched what I was able to download from Dr. Strange's Vodcast. I have to say that I'm a little more than happy that I was unable to watch the entire thing. Let me preface this post with this statement: Dr. Strange is a smart man and is responsible for leading classes of future educatirs into the technological new age. With all that respectable admiration out of the way, I have to say this is the most boring 2 minutes of my life!

I understand the fact that this COULD be used as an educational tool, however, like any other tool, you have to use it correctly or its useless. If you hand me a guitar I will know what to do with it, but if you hand me a set of freon gauges and tell me to fix the ac Im going to look at you like a deer in the headlights. Dr. Strange is smart, he is far from a compelling speaker. What I mean is podcasts and vodcasts are supposed to transmit information to the world much like a tv or radio. However if nobody wants to watch or listen to your message, it is useless. I would have had better speakers, better qualty video, and would have made the topic entertaining. If I'm bored, how in the world is a teenager or even a little kid going to pay attention?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

EDM310 "About Me" Presentation

This is the About Me presentaion we had to do for class. Enjoy!