Friday, August 21, 2009

Assignment #2 ( I know I'm doing the second one first. It's ok)

Hello Blog reader people! I just finished watching the you tube video " Did you know" from 2008. I am not surprised at the information, however I am surprised at how vast the figures were. India is really putting a beating on our educational system, don't you think? To quote the video, India has more honor students than we have, well, students! The video also touched on how fast technology is moving and i suppose it helps put into perspective how quickly we have grown, or declined, as a society.

Now, I know that the audience here primarily is Mr. Sullivan, but don't get upset at me yet. I know technology is wonderful and it's how you make your living and we all have to use it in some way, shape, or form in our daily lives. However what I am saying, is that we as a society (especially the American society) have taken our conveniences for granted once again. Have you ever seen India? Every documentary or news story shows how crappy it is to live there. Grant it, they will show beautiful parts of their culture, but the pretty folklore doesn't negate the cows in the street and poor health conditions, not to mention what the smell of animals and curry must smell like. Who knows India may be great, but my point is that those people as a whole do not have the financial comfort we have here to be able to gain higher knowledge at our leisure.

Technology, such as life, moves fast. It moves much faster than any human can fathom. Have you ever been on vacation and felt as if you just got there and it's time to leave? Have you ever purchased the newest gadget only to find 3 months later it's out of date? Perhaps what one could take from this video of facts, is put your world into perspective. Because all that information can be depressing and thought provoking, it makes me think about the parts of life that are not tangible, that we can't calculate and that are not effected by how fast information can be sent through a single Ethernet connection or be downloaded on an ipod. Figure out what's important to you and thank God (or whatever deity you choose) for what you have and use it to its full potential. Ride this technological horse till it dies or kills you both!

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